UK IODP MSP Proposal workshop
Workshop to support scientists in developing
IODP proposals for Mission Specific Platforms
9-11 February 2021
Through the UK-IODP research programme, NERC is committed to supporting the science community in developing high quality science-driven proposals for submission to IODP. UK-IODP is particularly keen to support development of proposals for Mission Specific Platforms (MSPs) at this time, in response to the current low MSP proposal pressure, and in anticipation of the prominent role of MSPs mentioned in the new 2050 Science Framework.
A UK-IODP online workshop will take place from 9th to 11th February, to help scientists to develop IODP MSP proposals. The workshop format will include presentations from experienced scientists and experts in from IODP and ECORD, as well as breakout discussion sessions and mentoring of small groups. Live captioning will be used, and presentations will be recorded to make them available for participants who are not able view them live.
The IODP Science Plan encompasses fundamental questions about Earth’s climate, deep life, geodynamics and geohazards, we therefore encourage participation from all scientists whose research would benefit from subseafloor sampling. Multi-disciplinary proposals with diverse scientific goals are favoured by evaluation panels and this workshop will provide an opportunity to network with scientists from a variety of fields. Participants may already have a proposal outline in mind, or a science question that they would like to address. Alternatively, they may be looking to learn more and find inspiration to develop ideas during the workshop. No previous involvement in IODP is required but we strongly suggest that participants familiarise themselves with the new Framework document in order to gain a good understanding of the scientific goals of the programme and the opportunities it provides.
NERC and UK-IODP take equality, diversity and inclusion very seriously. We know that the quality of research and innovation improves the more we bring together people from different backgrounds. We encourage people from all backgrounds, beliefs and experiences to attend this workshop. This event is open to scientists of all nationalities and is not exclusive to those working at UK institutions.
To make sure you don’t miss out on future announcements please sign up to the UK-IODP mailing list using the button at the bottom of this page.

Image credit: D. Smith, ECORD
We particularly encourage Early Career Researchers to apply, as well as more established researchers, from all scientific disciplines whose research would benefit from subseafloor sampling.
The event schedule will include a combination of Workshop Presentations from experts and mentored Workshop Group Sessions. The latter will facilitate development of individual proposals by small groups of participants, with support from a team of experienced scientists. The number of places available for mentored Workshop Group Sessions will be limited to ensure that we are able to offer a high standard of mentoring and support within the time available. The Workshop Presentations will be available to view live, and subsequently as recorded sessions (for at least one year), for all participants, regardless of whether they are also selected to participate in the Group Sessions.
Two weeks before the workshop, on Tuesday 26th January, we will host a live ~2 hour Workshop Primer session. This will comprise presentations on the capabilities of MSP platforms, coring technologies and the standard and bespoke measurements that can be performed as part of an MSP expedition. The presentations will be made available for viewing later for participants who are not able to attend the live talks and Q&A sessions. The Primer Presentations are essential viewing for Workshop participants and should be viewed prior to the start of the Workshop.
If you have any questions please email
Workshop Programme

*Programme may be subject to scheduling changes
Recorded talks

Image credit: D. McInroy, ECORD